2024 Kansas City Speakers and Special Guests

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2024 Speakers & Special Guests

Panel Descriptions

PANEL TITLE: Entrepreneurship for Passion, Purpose, and Profit

DESCRIPTION: Entrepreneurship is a dynamic journey of creating and managing a business, we are driven by three core motivations: passion, purpose, and profit. This panel discussion will explore how balancing these elements creates a holistic and sustainable approach to entrepreneurship, allowing entrepreneurs to build businesses that are not only economically viable but also deeply fulfilling and impactful.


  1. Harnessing Passion:Understand how passion fuels entrepreneurial drive, resilience, and innovation, and learn strategies to help you through challenges and setbacks.
  2. Defining Purpose:Discover the importance of having a clear purpose and how it can guide business decisions, inspire teams, and create a meaningful impact on your community.
  3. Ensuring Profit:Learn the critical role of financial sustainability in entrepreneurship, including strategies to achieve and maintain profitability while reinvesting in the business and scaling operations for long-term success.

PANEL TITLE: Prospering Through All Seasons of Life

DESCRIPTION:  The unknown is scary.  When we avoid thinking about hard things, those things can grow bigger and scarier.  We will discuss how to approach courageously the hard topics of aging and death and equip you with the knowledge to move forward and take fear out of the unknown.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Unlocking Your Prosperity by Transforming Your Mind
  2. Avoiding Your “Never-Evers” With Long-Term Care Insurance
  3. Understanding Key Estate Planning Documents

PANEL TITLE: Cracking the Code: Proven Strategies to Look & Feel Your Best

DESCRIPTION: This panel will explore areas of your life where you can make simple efforts with big returns.  Our experts will share actionable strategies for Self- Care, Hormones, Fitness, & Nutrition that will support your wellbeing goals, whatever they may be.  We will discuss connecting the dots between your daily habits and you will walk away with action steps you can start right away!


  1. Mind and spirit: Conscious Self-Care is your Superpower: Liberate your Life, Amplify your Love and Energize your business
  2. Fitness/Nutrition: Effortless and Enjoyable Fitness and Nutrition Routine for Your Busy Lifestyle
  3. Hormones: 3 keys to increase energy, lose stubborn weight, and balance hormones.




PANEL TITLE: Connect. Relate. Thrive!

DESCRIPTION: Whether you are a leader (or you want to be!) in your own business, in a corporation, or at home with your family, finding your voice, building a meaningful brand, and communicating effectively is vital to your growth! This panel will help you find your voice, craft your own unique message, become a leader others want to lock arms with, and then get seen in the digital world!


  1. Crafting your story and finding your voice (and helping others find their voice as well). You have a unique story to tell, and you can use that story to connect with others!
  2. Charismatic Communication, authentic connections (both in person and over social media) and servant leadership (be a leader people want to lock arms with, and help others become leaders as well).
  3. Digital Strategy and creative for small businesses, non-profits, bloggers and eCommerce. Let your unique gifts and talents shine and be seen in this digital age.  

PANEL TITLE: Finding the Path to Honoring Thyself

DESCRIPTION:  Do you find yourself overwhelmed and unfulfilled on a path that is not true to yourself? We are all on a profound journey towards self-discovery and self-expression. Although the journey can be hard, support is available along the way.

The path to honoring thyself involves embracing authenticity, courage to overcome obstacles, and revealing our unique individuality. You are not just a passenger in life—you are the driver in charge of your own journey! Our experience, expertise, and resources will give you direction to help you choose your route towards uncovering your authentic self.


  1. Understand the role neuroplasticity plays in changing the neural pathways in your brain towards self-awareness.
  2. Debunk the self-sacrifice narrative to realize that you can make space to care for yourself while also meeting the needs of others.
  3. Glean insight and equip you with supportive tools to cope more effectively, to be empowered, and to then live out a life of fulfillment in your truth through self-care and connection.

PANEL TITLE:  Owning Your Superpower, Unleashing Your Strengths

DESCRIPTION:  Women’s voices are critical in navigating the future. Our industries, our communities, our families and ourselves are empowered by contributing our talents and ideas. This panel will guide you in discovering your personal gifts, support you in sharing your message, and amplify your voice to open doors.


  1. Identify how to leverage the value of at least three personal strengths.
  2. Objectively assess who is or could be in your tribe and what role they play in your success.
  3. Gain confidence and practice in unapologetically sharing your superpowers to seize opportunities.

PANEL TITLE: Still Here, Still Standing: The Power of Women Supporting Women

DESCRIPTION: Ladies, gather around! It’s time to step into the spotlight and explore the rich tapestry of our lives, woven together by the incredible women who stand beside us. We all know that we are the main characters in our own stories, but what about the remarkable women who play those vital supporting roles? Life is not a solo journey, and its high time we evaluate the friendships that uplift us and identify what might be missing in our circles. After all, every Queen needs a court!


  1. Embrace Your Journey: Acknowledge and accept your trauma as part of your identity as a woman and seek support from therapists or trusted loved ones to aid in your healing process. Release strongholds that yield movement and recognize that starting over requires a RELEASE. Understand the importance of asking for support when needed…. the ASK.
  2. Cultivate Self-Love: Recognize that the energy you project influences your experiences; by loving and accepting yourself, you can rewrite your story and attract positive connections. Begin anew and love who you were created to be, unapologetically.
  3. Choose Your Relationships Wisely: Let go of friendships that don’t serve you, remain open to new connections and friendships placed in your life.



PANEL TITLE: From Ideas to Action: Leadership for Life

DESCRIPTION:  Women are flooded with other people’s opinions on what we should be doing or how well we’re doing it. Leadership is an inside-out quality based on your values, natural gifts and intuition rather than how you look to others. This panel focuses on cultivating a personalized foundation for knowing what’s right for you and making decisions that take you to the next level.


  1. Explore how expressing your authentic self in every situation affects the quality of your decision making.
  2. Shift your perspective from having the right answers to asking the right questions guided by your values and intentions.
  3. Identify the key factors for YOU to trust the timing and confidently launch something new.

PANEL TITLE: Bridging the Gap: Women Leading Community Change

DESCRIPTION:  Join us for an inspiring panel discussion featuring three dynamic women who have turned their passion for community impact and organizing into powerful catalysts for change. Each panelist has identified critical gaps in services within their communities and has taken remarkable steps to address these needs, creating lasting and meaningful change. Through their unique journeys, they have demonstrated resilience, innovation, and leadership, exemplifying the true spirit of community empowerment. This session will delve into their stories, challenges, and triumphs, offering valuable insights and strategies for anyone looking to make a difference in their own communities.


  • Creating a Safe Space is vital to creating strong communities.
  • Everyone has the potential to be a catalyst for positive change and community empowerment.
  • Women face unique challenges, when we come together and uplift one another, we can build a community of compassion.



PANEL TITLE: Living, Dying and Crystal Bunnies: Choosing Your Own Adventure

DESCRIPTION:  Whether the end of life is the culmination of a long adventure or a sudden health crisis, dying is inevitable. Women are typically cast as caregivers, often ignoring their own mental health and well-being. It’s stressful figuring out what another person wants or what to expect, especially if you’re doing it on your own. This panel focuses on what you need to know now to take charge of the aging process and give you peace of mind.


  • Initiate ongoing conversations that will prepare you and your loved ones for the aging process while maintaining the highest quality of life.
  • Discover how to create a circle of connection, caring and contribution for all cycles of life that yields deep satisfaction.
  • Identify the critical legal documents you need to ensure your wishes are honored before a crisis happens.