Speaker Applications Now Open

Thank you for considering being a panelist at our 5th annual 2021 MetroWest Conference for Women!

Our mission is to highlight and connect local MetroWest experts, like you! The She’s Local movement is all about keeping conferences accessible, relevant, and affordable for all women. Our goal is to provide a platform for you to connect with a broad audience of customers, mentors, supporters and friends. Each of our six She’s Local conferences promote women from their region, which means we are accepting applications from MetroWest women. We DO NOT give honorariums. All participants and organizers are volunteers. Please consider the value of our sold-out attendance (600+) and high level of engagement on digital and social platforms used to promote the talented women chosen to speak at our conference.

Benefits of being a panelist, as described by the hundreds of experts we have been fortunate to highlight: 

– Featured as an expert on the MetroWest Conference for Women website pages 

– Featured as an expert in MetroWest e-newsletters

– Featured on all MetroWest social platforms 

– Featured on prominent color boards throughout the Conference hall

– Exclusive acceptance into a growing network of She’s Local experts, connecting you to national speaker opportunities

– Connection to local like-minded topic experts for mentorship, advocacy, and lasting support

– Complementary tickets to both the VIP Kick-off event & Conference day

– Participation in a day you will always remember!

Proposal submissions will be accepted until June 30, 2021. Once applications close, our team will create expert panels (each with 3 speakers) to address a topic which was highly requested during our monthly Open Community meetings in MetroWest. If selected, you and your expert co-panelists will work together to develop the content and format of your breakout session. Breakout sessions run for 45 minutes each and run twice with a 15-minute break in-between sessions. (i.e. if selected, your breakout session would EITHER run in the morning from 10-10:45a then repeat from 11-11:45a OR in the afternoon from 2-2:45p then repeat from 3-3:45p). Should the conference pivot to a virtual platform, as was the case in 2020, panels will run once for 30 minutes.

We feature all speakers on our social channels. We can only tag you if you engage with our social pages. Please be sure to follow along for maximum exposure to our audience:





She’s Local 





Thank you for taking the time to share your passion with us! We look forward to seeing you at the MetroWest Conference on September 30, 2021 (and at the VIP evening reception for speakers on Wednesday, September 29) at the Framingham Sheraton.

If you have any questions about these policies, please email:
